Rome, (1,287.36 km2 and 2,783,809 inhabitants), has a motorization rate of 768 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants.
The city, pioneer of the CIVITAS Initiative, had its SUMP approved in February 2022. Rome has applied to both EU structural funds and National funds to develop infrastructural mobility projects linked to the SUMP objectives. Regarding traffic access regulation, the primary regulation scheme led to a general reduction (25%) of traffic flows during the whole day. After this an extension of three additional Access Restriction Schemes have been implemented in areas that are mainly dedicated to leisure. Rome has 2 relevant targets: the Jubilee in 2025 and the deadline of 2026 to conclude projects and acquisitions linked to the RRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan). UPPER proposal in Rome will contribute to increase PT modal share as well as the perceived customer satisfaction and will advance in the deployment of zero-emission zones starting from city centre towards the outskirts according to a roadmap and new UVAR schemes.
You can download the Overview of the current situation in Rome article from here.